Julia Galt

Nov 16, 2020

'Stop the 413' Lawn Sign Blitz a Success

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

If you live anywhere along the route of the proposed 413 Highway (also known as the GTA-West Corridor, a Southern Ontario thoroughfare stretching from Georgetown to Vaughan), you've likely seen them: bright yellow signs, standing proudly at the end of driveways and street corners, emblazoned with "Stop the 413". They're wonderful to see, particularly since I've spent a few months delivering them here and there, county to county, region to region.

What We Did

After acquiring a number of lawn signs from Environmental Defence, we posted notices in three municipal newspapers (the Caledon Citizen, the King Weekly Sentinel, and the New Tecumseth Times) advertising the availability of anti-Highway 413 lawn signs in the area. By the end of the campaign, we'd delivered signs to over 100 households across Peel, King, and Simcoe County- a great first step in raising awareness of one of Ontario's most pressing environmental threats.

Other Great Things

As it turns out, delivering anti-needless-development lawn signs is a great way to meet like-minded citizens just as passionate about protecting the environment. All parties involved are rounding out the month with a whole lot more friends and allies than they had going in.

Interested in a lawn sign of your own? Reach out and I'd be happy to deliver one, within reason.